PowerChute Network Shutdown v for Virtualization - SFPCNSV | APC USA.Pcns ova download

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Equipment list. Don't forget to pcns ova download to our youtube channel named FKIT. Powerchute - Installation on Windows. Powerchute - Installation on Linux. First, we need to configure a user account with authorization to shutdown the UPS using продолжить web interface.

The apc user is configured with pcns ova download apc password and the authentication phrase. Open your browser and enter the IP address of your Powerchute Virtual machine server on посетить страницу The apc user was configured with the apc password and the authentication phrase.

Set the amount of time, in seconds, that your Linux computer should wait before shutting down automatically. Here pcns ova download can find the list of equipment used to create this tutorial. This link will also show pcns ova download software list used to create this tutorial.

List of Tutorials. On the Web interface, access the Configuration menu and select the following option:. Copy to Clipboard. On the bottom of the screen, select the APC account and set an authentication phrase. In our example, the authentication phrase used was: Do not confuse password with the authentication phrase. After finishing the UPC configuration, you need to click on the Apply button.

Select the Vmware Virtual Appliance option and start the download of the installation package. Now, we need to import the virtual machine to VMware. Locate the PowerChute virtual appliance file pcns ova download start the importation process. Accept the PowerChute license pcns ova download and click on the Next Button. Take a look at the Summary of the virtual machine importation and click on the Finish button.

After finishing the importation process, pcns ova download on the Powerchute virtual machine. The virtual machine is a customized CentOS Linux. After finishing the boot process, the following screen should be presented:. The initial setup menu will be presented: Press pcns ova download 1 and accept the License agreement. Press button 2 and set the language desired.

Press button 3 and set the correct timezone. Press button 4 читать больше set the hostname and the Ip address.

Press button 5 to set the root password for the Virtual Machine. Press C to finish the installation process. As our next step, we need to access the Powerchute web interface. Select the option Standalone Vmware Host and click on the Next button. Enter the required information to connect the Vmware ESXi server as root user.

Now, you need to check everything and click on the Apply button. If you don't know which outlet to choose, you need to select the option named: Unswitched Group.

Pcns ova download for the confirmation and click on the next button. Select the desired behavior for recboot download win8 UPS after the Linux computer is shut down. After finishing the installation, you pcns ova download be sent to the PowerChute Dashboard.

Select the Enable Shutdown checkbox. In our example, after 5 minutes on battery, the Linux computer will automatically shut down. Related Posts. March 14th, March 13th, March 12th, March 11th, March 9th, March 6th, March 2nd, This website uses cookies and third party services.



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